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We raise our animals seasonally to ensure they are always provided with fresh pasture, resulting in a product that is full of flavour and nutritionally dense. To learn more about how our animals are raised, click here.

We are excited to be accepting orders for our 2023/2024 beef! We have a very limited supply of chicken remaining for our July 2024 orders. If you’re interest in chicken, please write to us directly.

Please find the list of products below and fill out a form at the bottom of the page to pre-order. Note that we may require a deposit for orders exceeding $250.


Summer Grill Boxes

What better way to enjoy the best of Cedar Brae beef than to grill it on your back deck in the heat of the summer?


Small Grill Box - $175

12 6oz burgers (packs of 4, no fillers), 1 sirloin steak, 2 tbones, 2 ribeyes, 1lb kabob beef

Large Grill Box - $295

16 6oz burgers (packs of 4, no fillers), 2 sirloin steaks, 4 tbones, 2 ribeyes, 2lbs kabob beef

Make-your-own Grill Box - $220

10lbs ground beef, 1 sirloin steak, 2 tbones, 2 ribeyes, 1lb kabob beef


  • Typically, our animals weigh around 540-620lbs hanging weight which translates to 135-155lbs per quarter. This translates to approximately $700-$825 for a quarter.

  • Our beef comes packaged in butcher paper. We find this does a good job of protecting the quality of the meat for a year. However, if you prefer your beef come vacuum sealed, we would be happy to accommodate this. To reflect the increase in processing costs, vacuum packaging is an extra $0.25/lb.

  • A quarter of a cow typically requires 10 cubic feet of freezer space. A medium sized chest freezer works well and provides you with room leftover for other freezer items.

  • Of course! We love when customers customize their beef orders to suit their needs. If you order before March 2022, your beef order can be fully customized. From steak thickness to subbing out roasts for ground beef to specifying roast size, we do our best to accommodate all your needs.

How to Order

Just fill in your name, email, and what you’d like to order in the message box and we will email you an invoice outlining your order before finalizing.

Accepted methods of payment include e-transfer, cheque or cash.

If you have any questions, please feel free to fill out this form, email us at or call us at 647-688-6203. We’d be happy to chat!